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Monday, October 13, 2008
6:51 AM

Cant wait to get back to school.

with school, the mind will work and not freeze like it is now.
with school, i'll be more discipline. which i am not now.

aha. exam. sometimes dreadful n stressful. but actually, its among the best period coz thats when the brain really works, really want to digest and understand the info.

im getting lazier day by day with such a long break here in singapore.
its true. the heart feels empty when its left un-fed and unattented with knowledge for a long time. its so true that 'ilm is nur.

i ever read a fren said, shes afraid to come back to spore . wats to b afraid of? yup, the wordly attachment here. so true. its scary.

hmm.. accordingly, theres only 2 more years left for my degree journey in egypt. personally, im afraid if time flies so fast. i dun want it to end yet. I still want to b a student. i still want to enjoy learning, to enjoy the sweetness of 'ilm. ( though my parents been asking me to take up MA, im still fickle, so lets not talk about it yet )
there's still so much im yet to accomplish in egypt. hmm... whats to be of my year three?

ppl has been asking but...anyhow, i really hope my choice of syu'bah i.e tafsir, is the right choice for me, for the moment. =)

misinterpreation of quranic verses and trials to shake the iman of muslims and charcoaling the teachings of Islam by quoting quranic verses and relating them to incorrect context has been spreading vastly. i hope my entrance to this syu'bah can help me understand more.

aqidah falsafah?heee maybe if theres rezki in terms of time and money and health n situation, maybe there'll be a chance for comparative religion. maybeee~

( tp mcm ye ye je, ntah dpt tak tafsir eh hehe )

a random post that was. hehe. ( its just one of the many ways to tell myself, pls get your brain to work and fill up urself with mind and heart enriching activites. hee.)

sun set or sun rise; up to you

Sunday, August 03, 2008
7:28 AM

A short post specially dedicated to a friend i missed, nurul huda

There are differences between " wants " and " needs ".
We may not be given what we want, but Allah certainly gave us what we need.
So believe in HIM =)

Percayalah, Pandangan Allah meluas, pandangan manusia terbatas . tats for you n me to remember k? :D

( We know its hard for you, but I definitely feel you wont regret the place Allah chose for you. =) One day, only you will understand the choice Allah made for you. Coz i felt that. =) )

So jom doakan huda kuat semangat spt selalu :D

( haiihh.. rindu pulak zaman baru2 datang mesir... hopefully the new students are doing well over there and not behaving like we were back then hee )

sun set or sun rise; up to you

Thursday, July 24, 2008
9:32 PM

Assalamualaikum readers

Among the message delivered during the welcoming tea was : it cant be helped but the syllabus we went thru only cause a side of our brain to work. While the other side is inactive unless we really put in extra effort to think critically or we exercise that part of the brain with extra activities such as developing it with designing, or movie editing etc

So, move your brain.
As a start, i found out that you can simply exercise your other part of the brain which you dont normally use by just using the hand you seldom use.

So, if you're right handed, try using your left hand for maybe half an hour to move your mouse or use it to sms =)

sun set or sun rise; up to you

Thursday, July 17, 2008
8:44 AM



Seen them before? New students in town hehehehe

Busy. Hectic.
Thats how u can describe my daily life these past few weeks.
Everyday is a routine of waking up in the morning, shower, put on your clothes and veil, and out you go. have your lunch and dinner outside, after more than 12 hour, or at around 11, assalamualaikum, ma im home. dinner again n yakdish! halo my bed! :D

Among the biggest message given during the welcoming tea few days back was to get yourself bz. Indeed, to bury yourself with positive activities is a healthy sign. however, when you get toooooooooooooooo busy that you are having problem juggling other important aspect in your life, that is when the problem arises.

All in all, 3 more days to go.
I really hope and lets pray that this sunday will be way better than the previous sunday. I really hope so.
Anyway, the busy schedule is distracting myself from thinking certain stuff and its kinda like an escape for me teehee

Oho, some of my friends are sick. Some jatuh flat on the head and backbone, some terseliuh, some on flu.... Mari doakan mereka cepat sembuh =)


they bullied me, but its still fun to work with them. ( well, without them, they wont be a drama, so thanks people =) )

sun set or sun rise; up to you

Thursday, June 19, 2008
1:45 PM

There's this saying which i like :
Kalau ingin kan yang terbaik,jadi yang terbaik dahulu. =)

So, i remembered those words.Just the right words for me to keep myself looking on the brighter side.And so i thought, lets just focus on improving and upgrading yourself nisaa. =)When the time comes, hopefully you're the best enough to do the best for whoever that is the best for you.

hehe looks like in this blog, im motivating too much for myself. hehehe
Well. No harm sharing whats boggling in my heart rite? :D

sun set or sun rise; up to you

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
2:05 PM

Some ppl may express whats in their heart thru their facial expression.

Some however, may try to hide their personal feelings deep inside.

Some people love a person, but they wont reveal it.

Some people are hurt deep inside, but they paste a smile on the outside.

And so I wonder, is trying to be happy when your heart is actually fighting over its emotions on the inside,actually deceiving urself n others?

For what i know, that is part of you trying to live life optimistically. And thats what Islam preaches on. For islam itself is a religion that fights pessimistic. When we are in a pain, when things dont go our way,Islam teaches us to perservere, and perserverence is not just to "tahan", but it is also to look at things on a brigther side, to believe that after a storm, there'll be the sun shining. And together with perserverence,there's tawakkal, putting trust in Allah.

So, personally, to paste a smile when my heart is not, isnt deceiving. But it is you training yourself to be more optimist.

I remembered an ustaz ever said, never give up on smiling. Coz theres a comapanion of Rasulullah who whenver he was put in test, he would smile and when asked why would he do that, he would answer, for he never knows if tomorrow the test is even bigger and he couldnt afford a smile.

So, lets smile our sorrows away =)


Coz we never know if we could lost the ni'mat to smile.

sun set or sun rise; up to you

Friday, June 13, 2008
8:30 PM

Wow. A year has passed, since this blog was left unattended.

Its now, the end of session 2007/2008 for my year 2.

Already 2 years here, and yet, ive learnt a variety of valuable things.

Easily and simply put, during my two years here, for all i realized,most things are put into TEST.
And thats the most valuable thing i need in life, coz thru these test,we learn PERSERVERENCE. We learn OPTIMISTIC. We learn that, whatever and how hard it is,in the end, it is Allah that we will look for. It is in Him that we can only put our sole trust in.

My personal life was put in test, my inner strength was put in test,but most importantly. it is iman that is put in test.

People tend to make differences. But to me, every place,every university, has its own uniqueness. It is all only up to us how do we actually grab all these pearls. we are given choices, do we rather take sweets that wont last long or would we rather dive in and search for pearls. here, i learn even though not many, but i learn somehow the meaning bhind life. Apart from ibadah, it is also about u making ur choices, about u dealing with test.

And during these test, some may fall, some may stand strong. some may stand and fall in the process.However, as many may know, whats more important is, it is okay to fall in the middle, it is okay to cry in the process, but make sure we stand again. in the quran itself, there are so many ayat approaching in a way to "tasliyah" Rasulullah, coz Allah knows, Rasul is also a human being, and so He kept on those ayat to keep Rasulullah going strong =)

All in all, there's still so much to learn, so much to gain, over here, in Egypt, where the prophets of Allah face many hardships in conveying the Da'wah of Islam. And so, in order for us to follow their steps so as to convey da'wah, we too in the process, need to face these hardships. be it personal issues, or matters regarding ourselves, or studies, or anything else. Rite? :D

Sabar nisaa, kerana mendung tidak berpanjangan. hee.

sun set or sun rise; up to you


Its a mix of her life, her personal thoughts
and a trial to write and share. =)

The Optimist Wannabe


Khairunnisaa Abd Rahim
Most know her as Khai, some as Nisaa
Still pursuing her studies

A lady in the never ending process of
upgrading and improving herself.
She's always looking for new experience.
She loves beach and thrills.
And she hopes she can contribute to the Muslim society


Some of her favorite quotes

x. " Yesterday is an experience, today is a gift, tomorrow is the future. "

x. " Pandangan Allah meluas, pandangan manusia terbatas."

x. " Things turn out best for people who make the best of how things turned out to be "

What say you?


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